
21 Kasım 2011 Pazartesi

TOMORROW Day/Episode 1 "Life and Lies"

Person A: So life has nooo guarantee...We can die tomorrow.
Person B: Tomorrow?Who knows if tomorrow exists.Its all in the hands of god to make us live or leave.
Person A:Life...Obstacles,hard working,exhausted brains and bodies,lost souls and evil thoughts.That's life.So if you say there is no tomorrow, you should know as there is no today too.You think that we're living? Not really...Life is just an illusion with its weird visions and hallucinations.
Person B:You're on the dark side of life.God created us for one reason to live peacefuly even violence,wars and starving.We always have to see the bright side.
Person A:The bright side of the moon lies as well.It looks like the sun itself.If you know its dark side,you can't let the bright side to charm you.You have to be aware of darkness behind it.An iceberg,looks small on the surface.Everything lies to us and we lie to each other.What a perfect cycle is that!
Person B:Darkness has its beauty,if you see.Be aware for the dark side but have the joy of bright side.
Person A:When you get used to the dark side,you'll never belive its imitation;the bright side.
Person B:Ying yang.Dark and bright.Balance of life.
Person A:Life has no balance,its always dark and all of the glitters is the sharpened knife that keep you alive.To be aware of...life and lies.
Person B:When there is a glitter,darkness flee.
to be continued...

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