
21 Kasım 2011 Pazartesi

TOMORROW Day/Episode 1 "Life and Lies"

Person A: So life has nooo guarantee...We can die tomorrow.
Person B: Tomorrow?Who knows if tomorrow exists.Its all in the hands of god to make us live or leave.
Person A:Life...Obstacles,hard working,exhausted brains and bodies,lost souls and evil thoughts.That's life.So if you say there is no tomorrow, you should know as there is no today too.You think that we're living? Not really...Life is just an illusion with its weird visions and hallucinations.
Person B:You're on the dark side of life.God created us for one reason to live peacefuly even violence,wars and starving.We always have to see the bright side.
Person A:The bright side of the moon lies as well.It looks like the sun itself.If you know its dark side,you can't let the bright side to charm you.You have to be aware of darkness behind it.An iceberg,looks small on the surface.Everything lies to us and we lie to each other.What a perfect cycle is that!
Person B:Darkness has its beauty,if you see.Be aware for the dark side but have the joy of bright side.
Person A:When you get used to the dark side,you'll never belive its imitation;the bright side.
Person B:Ying yang.Dark and bright.Balance of life.
Person A:Life has no balance,its always dark and all of the glitters is the sharpened knife that keep you alive.To be aware of...life and lies.
Person B:When there is a glitter,darkness flee.
to be continued...


you'll be a new person...Stronger,free and more self confident.Can you do it?


Adi-l Hayat

Hayat adil değil
Olmadı ve olmayacak
En azından birileri çabalayacak
İtilip kakılacak
Sabrın son demi kalemlerden kağıtlara akacak

Yoksulluklar içinde zengin adam
Zenginlikler içinde cahil insan
Cahilliğe göz yuman ve savaş açan
Kelamın bittiği yerde tozu dumana katan
Tozu dumana katıp ortadan kaybolan

Yorgun kimi doğuştan
Kimi yorgun savaştan
Savaşmadan ve doğmadan yorgun olan kim?
Yoksa adaleti körkütük vicdanlara emanet eden Tanrı'mı?

18 Kasım 2011 Cuma

Come As You Are

U can be smarter but trying to behave like that when you're not and how u try to show ur that smart makes u look like an idiot.Come as u r !
twitter: quoted by umismoviebox

Sean Paul - Got 2 Luv U Ft. Alexis Jordan Song of the day

Shortly,that's life.: At Weekend : Easy Beauty Mask Tutorial !!!

Shortly,that's life.: At Weekend : Easy Beauty Mask Tutorial !!!: Get Ready for the weekend!Very easy beauty mask which works %100 for dry faces!Don't miss it! Bookmark me! Follow me!

Shortly,that's life.: You must read before you die...Part 1

Shortly,that's life.: You must read before you die...Part 1

Shortly,that's life.: Watch "Predict Your Fortune",Leave the first comme...

Shortly,that's life.: Watch "Predict Your Fortune",Leave the first comme...

17 Kasım 2011 Perşembe

A Man and A Wolf

Quotes,kind of Haiku

Hayat nehire benzer
Zaman ile akıp gider

If hapiness was for all of us
There would be no happiness

A friend tells how amazing you are
When your enemy tells the truth.
Who is your enemy?

Umi's World: Confucius Quotes

Umi's World: Confucius Quotes: Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star. Confucius It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do n...

14 Kasım 2011 Pazartesi

Life as a Butterfly

Life is like winking your eyes
It's fast and full of suprises
Once you cry,then you smile
You never know tomorrow and when you will die.

Life is like a butterfly
She dies on her best day
She lives long on her worst day
Sometimes we walk sometimes we stop
We are like a clock.

Don't run fast
Don't walk slowly
Just open your eyes and see a hidden beauty
Under the silvered stars
Just close your eyes.

Blog Promotion | BlogUpp!

Blog Promotion | BlogUpp!

How to Make a Turkish Coffee

Predict Your Fortune!

Turkish coffee

13 Kasım 2011 Pazar

Shortly,that's life.: Do you have problems with your short,broken nails?...

Shortly,that's life.: Do you have problems with your short,broken nails?...: To make your nails stronger follow these instructions below: 1 cup of water half of a lemon milk a half of a coffee spoon Mix them all in...

Even my buggie Pika reads book,do you? Mubişim bile kitap okuyor ya siz?

İçli Köfte(stuffed mutton balls) Turkish Food Bon Apetite!

Royalty Free Music ! FREE do not forget giving cre...

Umi's World: Royalty Free Music ! FREE do not forget giving cre...: Absolutely amazing! Kevin Macleod's website: http://incompetech.com/m/c/royalty-free/ Good for short films! http://sonnyboo.com/music/music....

Umi's World: Okumalıyız... Read them before you die (Guy de Maupassant and Elizabeth by Tasha Alexander)

Umi's World: Okumalıyız...

Wonders of the World My Favorite Historical Places Part 1

Number 1:Asakusa Temple

Number 2:The biggest Buddha Statue

Number 3:Ephesus

Number 4: T I B E T

Number 5: Trevi Fountain,Italy

A Man and A Wolf

My poor wolf lies on the snow
He waits for his end
Once in a lifetime he saw the moonlight
A man with no ruth fired his riffle
The wolf looked directly to his eyes
White snow turned into red and cold breeze took his breath away.

My poor wolf searched for freedom
He never understood why men are against nature's kingdom
A man had no ruth to set him free
Took his life and other wolves flee.

A howl in front of his door
The man deeply roared
Hundreds of wolves howled
Ruthless men crawled into a rabit hole.
© 2011 UMI All rights reserved (please give a credit if you like to share

12 Kasım 2011 Cumartesi

Hayal Kırıklığının Pençesinde

Bir adam seversiniz,onun da sizi sevdiğini sanarak...Yollara düşersiniz,Mecnun'u bulacağınızı umarak...Hiç gelmeyenler ve bir türlü çevrenizden gitmeyenler...Bir de kendini akıllı sanan deliler...Başkasının sevgisine göz diken maymun iştahlılar...Dağılın sevgi düşmanları!Gaipten sesler geliyor duyuyor musunuz?Vicdanınız sesleniyor işte!Yakalandınız en zayıf anınızda ve düştünüz o kör kuyuya.Seslensen ne farkeder duyan mı var?Hayal kırıklığının pençesinden seni kurtaracak biri mi var?Akıp giden zaman denizine dur diyebilecek biri mi var?Zalimlerin en zalimini dize getiren zamana karşı koyabilen kim var,ne var?Ahlakı ayaklar altında ezenlerin göklere çıkardıkları sevgiler,hani hanginiz de yürek var?Ahlakı tepelerde tutanların yerin dibine soktukları aşıklar,hani hanginiz de cesaret var?Cesarete bürünmüş vücutlar,hanginiz o yokolmayı göze alan?Yer gözyaşı,gök ağıt...Bu dertli dünyanın son durağında inecek kaç kişi var?Yokuş aşağı yokuş yukarı ömürler,bir nefeste su içer gibi geldiler ve gittiler.

9 Kasım 2011 Çarşamba


Serzenişler...Bitip tükenmeyen ölüp dirilmeler...Bunca senedir beklediklerim ve gelmeyenler.Yerle bir gururlarıyla sürüne sürüne saçlarını eskiterek dönenler...O beyaz atlı prens yalanını uyduran her kimse renk körü müdür?Siyah atlı prensler, beyaza boyanmış atlarını kutsal yüreklere sürerler ve değerli olan her şeyi kırıp dökerler.
Şimdiki zaman, henüz değil der.O halde sorarım sana ey gelecek zaman,ne zaman?Olmayan zamanı yazdıran ey varlık yazgımı sil ve baştan yaz.Her seferinde "bu benim hayatım değil,bu ben değilim" dedirtme insan ırkına.Sür bizi topraklarından sür bizi derya denizlerinden yeter ki isteğimiz olsun birgün.Vazgeçtim...Sürme beni sevdiklerimden,yoksun bırakma sevdiğim şeylerden.Her şeyi zamanında ver be Tanrı!Yol yakınken dön sen bu sebepten,mutlu birer gülücük konduruver insanların asık dudaklarına.